
“So, I sort of have this idea…”

Many sessions begin like this.  A client arrives for their appointment with Raven, after having had plenty of time to think about their future tattoo. Sometimes it’s one thing (a landscape, or an animal, or a geometrical design), but sometimes it’s a collection of ideas (a list of childhood memories, or different symbols for children, or just a mix of every idea they could think of). Raven listens, and starts drawing. She might ask why you want that particular flower, or what the feather means to you, or what’s the meaning of the can opener (true story! 😉 ). As you talk, she draws. She hears what you’re saying, and what you may not be saying, and turns it into your art, your unique design, specific to where it will be on your body. That piece you had floating in your mind, but didn’t know how to get it out, Raven heard that.  She takes what was abstract, and makes it real.

You can go anywhere for a tattoo. You come here when you want a

Tattoo by Raven.